Social Studies for Primary Schools, Books 1 – 6 are written in accordance with the 9-year Basic Education Curriculum for Social Studies, developed by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC).
Social Studies for Pry. Schools Book 4
Social Studies for Primary Schools, Books 1 – 6 are written in accordance with the 9-year Basic Education Curriculum for Social Studies, developed by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC).
Issues that are important to the development and transformation of young persons into responsible and active citizens are extensively treated in these series.
Pupils will find these books useful as it helps to understand good values in the society and appreciate their duties and rights as citizens.
Each book in the series is designed using simple language, combined with colourful and descriptive illustrations. The content of each book is organised in modules. Each module consists of units, illustrations and exercises to evaluate pupils.
It is believed that the knowledge gained by pupils in these books will go a long way in imparting long-lasting values and knowledge that will help them to be responsible to themselves and the society in general.
996 in stock
Book Details
Pages | 100 Pages |
Publisher | Metropolitan Publishers |
Language | English |
ISBN | 978-978-54354-3-6 |
Year of Publication |
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